CLEAR RADON | a family-owned, family-run small business, built with integrity

After diving into the real estate investment market, Devin and his wife, Alex, realized the importance of a healthy, thriving home environment for families. He saw how the home is not only a place to sleep, but now more than ever homes are a workplace, schoolhouse, and entertainment zone. It’s his passion to protect the home through quality radon testing and mitigation, conducted with integrity.

Devin McDowell is the first fully licensed, certified, and insured radon mitigation technician living in Northwest Arkansas. He is a radon testing and mitigation professional, certified through the National Environmental Health Association, (AARST/NRPP), and a member of the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists.

In just under 1 year of business, Devin has watched the need for quality, standardized, and certified radon services grow beyond the Arkansas border into Oklahoma, Missouri & Tennessee.