What is radon?
Radon is a colorless, odorless, naturally occurring, inert radioactive gas that comes from the decay of radium is the only gaseous element of the long, uranium-238 radioactive decay chain. Uranium and radium are commonly found in soil and rocks around the world. Radon comes from the soil under homes and buildings and can become trapped in any structure.
What are the risks of radon gas to humans?
Radon gas accounts for more than 21,000 lung cancer deaths a year. It is the leading cause of death in American homes and is in the top 10 types of cancers present today. (Source: NRPP)
Why should I test for radon?
People can be exposed to radon primarily from breathing radon-laden air that enters into a structure by air pressure differentials both through concrete slab, crawlspace, and basement foundations. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Center for Disease Control, indoor radon exposure is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers, responsible for more than 21,000 U.S. lung cancer deaths each year. When you breathe in radon, radioactive particles from radon gas can get trapped in your lungs, where they can damage DNA as they release alpha radiation. The only way to know your home or building contains dangerous radon levels is to have a test performed.
How much radon is too much?
Consumers should be aware that the EPA’s estimate of 21,000 annual deaths from radon-induced lung cancer in the U.S. was based on an average level of 1.3 picocuries per liter of air. The EPA Action Level of 4 picocuries/per liter of air (pCi/L) was based on the achievability of early radon mitigation technology from three decades ago. Annual exposure to 4 pCi/l is the equivalent of 200 chest x-rays per year. The World Health Organization recommends indoor radon should not exceed 100 Bq/m3 (Becquerel per cubic meter) which equates to 2.7 pCi/L. Lung cancer risk rises 16% per 2.7 pCi/L increase in radon exposure.
Is radon testing and mitigation FSA or HSA eligible?
Yes! The current status with the IRS is that it is approved if using a Health Savings or Flexible Spending Account accompanied with a note from a doctor. The doctors note is referred to as a: Doctor's Statement or Letter of Medical Necessity.
How do I reduce the presence of radon in my home?
Hire a certified or licensed radon professional to install a radon control system in your home. According to the National Radon Proficiency Program, a properly installed radon control system will permanently reduce radon concentrations by up to 99%. Because most systems prevent soil air from entering the house, you may also notice other air quality improvements – like lower humidity. (Source: NRPP)
My home doesn’t have a basement; does it need to be tested?
Elevated radon has been found in buildings with all foundation types and in every county in the country. All homes should be tested regardless of geographic location or foundation type.
How long do radon mitigation systems last?
If it is maintained, the basic components should last for many years. The in-line fans usually have a five-year warranty but can last for much longer. The important thing is to have your home retested every 2-3 years by an NRPP Certified Tester who can also inspect the system to determine if repairs or updates need to be made.
Will a radon control system decrease my home’s appraisal value?
Radon control systems will not decrease the home’s appraisal value; in fact, they are nationally accepted as a home improvement. Installations need little maintenance and operating costs are typically less than $10/month. (Source: NRPP)
If I am buying a home, what do I need to know about radon?
Be sure to have a radon test performed by an NRPP Certified Radon Tester during the home inspection period. If the test results are elevated, you can request the seller to have it mitigated prior to closing. Since most radon mitigation systems can be installed in one day or less, there is usually no reason to delay the closing. While a seller and buyer can always negotiate the installation costs, it is common for the seller to pay for the system installation. But, since the seller is moving out, they are not often concerned about the qualifications of the contractor or the quality of the work they perform. It is reasonable to expect they will take the lowest bid as long as it includes a guarantee that the post-mitigation test will be below EPA’s 4 pCi/L Action Level.
If the seller is paying for the radon mitigation, what can I do to ensure the contractor installs a system that meets ANSI-AARST Mitigation Standards?
Ask your agent to stipulate in your agreement that the contractor be NRPP certified, that the system be installed according to ANSI-AARST Soil Gas Mitigation Standards, that the post-mitigation test be performed by the same NRPP certified tester who performed the original test, and that the tester inspects the system to ensure compliance using the AARST Radon Mitigation Inspection Checklist.
I am purchasing a new home and the builder says it has a radon system built in. Does that mean I don’t need to have it tested?
Ask your agent to stipulate in your agreement that the contractor be NRPP certified, that the system be installed according to ANSI-AARST Soil Gas Mitigation Standards, that the post-mitigation test be performed by the same NRPP certified tester who performed the original test, and that the tester inspects the system to ensure compliance using the AARST Radon Mitigation Inspection Checklist.
If I am building a home, should I test the soil for radon before I purchase the lot?
No. Soil gas tests are not only expensive, but they also do not correlate well with indoor radon measurements made after the house is completed and functioning. Instead, have your architect (or builder) plan for the installation of a passive radon reduction system. When installed properly, it will reduce the radon mitigation cost.